Meet The Print Authority Team
The Print Authority prides itself on successful relationships both internally among our team and externally with clients. One remarkable aspect of The Print Authority is our focus on hiring and retaining the best team members. The average tenure for our employees is 12 years at the company, but you might find team members who have been here 30 years! In addition, our team averages 18 years of printing industry experience, helping our team to provide continuity and outstanding service.
Our History
Founded as a Nashville printing company in 1991, The Print Authority’s objective is to exceed the expectations of every client. Since expanding and relocating to Brentwood, Tennessee in 2000, The Print Authority has grown conceptually from a local printing and design company into a diversified, modern digital and offset commercial printing enterprise serving clients across the United States and beyond.
Advancing The Industries We Serve
Below are conferences The Print Authority frequently sponsors.