In the case of eBooks vs. printed books, have you ever wondered which is better? The answer may surprise you.
Some people might think that whether books or eBooks are superior is an open and shut case. But then again, the fact that you are reading this indicates that there are two sides to this debate.
As a printing company, we have a special fondness for a physical book, but at the same time, we strive to innovate and embrace change, so this requires us to look carefully at the arguments both ways.
First off, in measuring books against eBooks, it is important to define which factors we are comparing. The arguments over the superiority of books or eBooks consist of several categories:
- Convenience and Ease of Use
- Retention of Information/Learning
- Impact on the Environment
- Cost
There are good arguments on both sides for all categories listed above. Without getting too academic, here is a short list of pros and cons for eBooks vs. printed books.
eBooks versus Print Books: Discover the Better Option
Ease of Use
eBooks can be used in most places, so long as you can keep the reading devices charged. The ‘e’ in e books stands for electronic, so most eReaders can even be used to read in the dark. It is also convenient to download an eBook since you can have it in seconds as long as there is Wi-Fi or a good cellular signal.
Most eBooks will hold your place, so whenever you open your device, you can automatically see where you stopped reading. eBooks can also contain thousands of books at all times, allowing you to carry an entire library with you. It’s a neat solution for the avid reader.
Hardcover and paperback books require no power to operate, so you can read them in any environment with light. You don’t need power to “recharge” a book. You can also easily write, highlight passages, or dog-ear pages in a book, although some book lovers may frown upon doing so.
Many users report having more eye strain reading digital editions than physical books. In addition, it is much easier to work with multiple books and sources (for example, to write a research paper) when dealing with physical books. Is it also usually easier to keep track of specific pages or passages in physical books since the pages never change in print versions.
Retention of Information/Learning
There are some specialized situations where eBooks outperform physical books. Some of this depends on the personal preference of individual readers. In addition, some readers with physical limitations, such as poor eyesight or dyslexia, may find electronic text easier since they can magnify the font and enjoy some of the interactive features of eBooks.
Many studies confirm that reading comprehension is better with physical books than with eBooks. Although young people may read more quickly on an eReader, the speed and potential distractions of links, scrolling, and advertisements usually mean people remember and retain what they are reading better in physical books. Many readers also enjoy the touch and feel of holding and turning the pages of a book. This is a sensation that the electronic publishing industry hasn’t been able to recreate.
Impact on the Environment
Taking it at face value, you would think that eBooks win when it comes to the environment. However, evaluating the environmental impact of books and eBooks is complicated. For one, it depends on how many books you read on an eReader.
eReaders take a lot more carbon to produce than books, so studies indicate you need to read between twenty-two and one hundred books on an eReader to be more environmentally conscious than simply reading hard copy books. In addition, you need to consider that eReaders need to be recycled properly, have to recharge regularly, and contain some toxic metals requiring proper disposal.
When you buy a print book, you can get it new or used, and used books are certainly more environmentally conscious than new. Borrowing books from a library is even more environmentally friendly. In addition, when you are done with a book, you can sell it or gift it to the next reader… a feat which is nigh impossible with an e book. Lastly, if a book reaches the end of its life or falls into disrepair, you can recycle the book.
Additionally, many printing companies who produce books follow “green” printing practices that prevent harmful chemicals or excessive amounts of waste from entering the environment. It’s simpler to recycle and reuse printed books since they don’t contain the chemicals and hard metals of an e reader.
Typically, eBooks are priced lower than new paper books. This reflects the fact that there are no printing costs associated with creating eBooks.
According to the World Economic Forum, printed book sales were “up 4% to $2.4 billion” during 2020. It’s clear why many prefer print books, after all, physical books can be borrowed, gifted, or sold. You can also borrow books easily from the library.
Physical books can be borrowed, gifted, or sold. You can also borrow books easily from the library. Also, in the case of a book that has special value to a reader or is an antique, it can be retained for a lifetime without worrying about eReader compatibility or eBook formatting. Lastly, books have some decorative value as they are placed on bookshelves for later use.
Can You Print An EBook?
Have you written and self-published an eBook, and then you realized that you’d like to have physical copies of your book? Do you want to sell copies or distribute them to friends, family, or business associates? If so, you’re probably wondering, “Can you print an eBook?”
If you’re an eBook author who wants to print physical copies of your eBook project, keep in mind that the process is more complicated than simply pressing the “print” button on your computer. Digital books typically consist of dynamic computer files which allow the reader to change print size, zoom in on images, leave virtual bookmarks, highlight passages, and otherwise interact with their book. Files used to print books, on the other hand, are typically static files such as PDF files created using Adobe InDesign.
When considering eBook printing, think about the following challenges.
The eBook printing process is not as simple as saving your eBook as a PDF file and then printing it, as you must keep considerations such as bleed in mind. Bleed, which consists of an image running off the edge of a page, is a key aspect of printing products such as books.
After all of the pages in a book are printed, they are then cut down to a uniform size, and the bleed is the extra space at the edges of the page that is cut off. Adding bleed in print files is vital, as it ensures that the pages in the printed book will contain correctly-sized margins and that all pages will be the exact same dimensions.
Typesetting is also a serious consideration when trying to print eBook files. The code for some characters in eBook files does not easily transfer to static file types, fonts might not be compatible, and file conversions can alter how the text is arranged on the page.
As a result, you might need to spend hours or days manually typesetting the entire book, finding custom characters, and ensuring that every line is exactly as you intend it. If you’ve ever had to typeset — or re-typeset — a book, you know that this process is a headache!
Legal Considerations
Many eBooks are protected intellectual property. As such, be sure that you have the proper permission to print an eBook, whether you are the author or not. Many publishing houses control the copyright to their books, so contact them with any questions before printing an eBook.
If you are self-publishing your own book, this task might be easier. Before printing an eBook, consult with a lawyer who is knowledgeable about copyright law and digital rights management and can help you navigate the process.
The Print Authority Can Print Your eBook for You
If you’re feeling discouraged, we have good news: The Print Authority can print your eBook for you and take care of all of the potential pitfalls we’ve described! Our expert team has experience converting eBook files to stable PDFs that contain the correct bleed and which can be easily printed. We convert eBooks into professionally-printed paper books with a variety of bindings, letting you sit back, relax, and enjoy your beautiful finished paper book.
Why are Physical Books Better than eBooks?
Here is a brief summary of the pros and cons of ebooks vs printed books. As you can see, printed books really come ahead compared to digital formats in some key areas. Though, e readers definitely have their place and can clearly be very useful.
- Portable and convenient, can be read in the dark
- Store thousands of books, automatically hold place
- Require power and charging, can cause eye strain
- Less effective for multi-source referencing
- Adjustable text size, interactive features
- Useful for readers with physical limitations
- Lower reading comprehension, digital distractions
- Reduce paper use, no physical waste
- High carbon footprint in production, requires proper recycling
- No true ownership, high initial eReader cost
- No power needed, easier on the eyes
- Ideal for note-taking, consistent page navigation
- Bulky and require physical storage space, but serve as decorative items
- Higher retention and comprehension, engaging tactile experience
- No digital distractions, limited to text and images
- Can be bought used or borrowed, easier to recycle
- Eco-friendly printing practices available
- Can be borrowed, gifted, resold, kept indefinitely
There are obvious pros and cons for both eBooks vs. books, and both media are in high demand. Interestingly, recent articles point out that sales of both books and eBooks are increasing.
Additionally, there are more new ways of printing and distributing books than ever before. Self-publishing is extremely common, and there are more niche publications than ever.
If you need help with designing or printing a book, please don’t hesitate to contact us at The Print Authority. We have decades of experience and will be glad to help!
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