Your nonprofit organization helps make the world a better place, and your brochures help you acquire the money and volunteers you need to put your plans into action. In this article, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about nonprofit brochures. Let’s get started!
How To Pick the Best Brochure for Your Nonprofit
The following ideas can help you design effective nonprofit brochures.
Decide On a Size
When it comes to brochures, you can choose from myriad sizes and folding techniques. Consider how much information you’d like to present in your brochure. Is your content appropriate for a tri-fold brochure? Or a small booklet? Or, if you have a lot of information to convey, perhaps a large half-fold brochure? Each brochure size is a highly effective tool when used correctly.
Introduce Some Color
Printing a brochure in color makes it more dynamic and increases the emotional effect on the reader. If you have photos of communities you serve or graphics that illustrate how donations are spent, by all means, include them!
Consider Your Audience
Use language appropriate for your audience. Potential donors want to fully understand where their donations could be spent, so use language that is detailed enough to clearly explain your mission.
Consider creating multiple versions of your nonprofit promotional items for various target demographics. For example, a brochure aimed towards corporate donors might also include information about group employee volunteer opportunities. At the same time, a brochure targeting small individual donors may need to include different information.
Be Yourself
Your brochure readers are considering whether they’d like to donate to your cause, so give readers an accurate portrait of what their money, time, or energy will contribute to. Display your mission statement prominently and make your organization’s priorities clear.
Inspire Action
Your brochure is ultimately a marketing tool. Make donating easy, and explain how contributions will help make the world a better place. Your brochures will be generating leads in no time!
Nonprofit Brochure Ideas And Examples
Now that we’ve discussed some key features of nonprofit brochures, let’s look at some examples and explore what makes them so effective.
Transparency Leads To Donations
This brochure clearly indicates how donations will help the organization build a stronger community. Explaining what each donation will achieve can encourage donors to contribute because they know exactly how their money will be spent. It may also motivate small donors who might otherwise think that their small donation won’t have an impact.
Give Donors Options
This brochure succinctly explains the nonprofit’s various projects, which helps potential donors better understand specific activities for which they can volunteer. The bold, red headings are easy to skim, helping readers find the most pertinent sections to their interests.
Bold Design Is Memorable
This environmental brochure uses a bright green background that links it to its environmental cause in a memorable way. Its bolded, all-caps headings also make a splash, encouraging readers to pay attention to the body text below.
Make Membership Easy
This brochure is targeted towards potential members, so it prominently displays information about how to become a member, such as locations, membership fees, and membership benefits. This makes it as easy as possible for readers to take tangible steps towards joining the organization.
Environmental Inspiration
This brochure inspires readers to take action. It uses a large, bold font to highlight specific steps readers can take to increase their environmental activism. As well, it includes skilfully chosen graphics such as a tree with a fingerprint instead of leaves to illustrate how humanity and the climate are interwoven, which further inspires emotional attachment and action.
The Best Nonprofit Brochure Templates
If you’re considering designing a nonprofit brochure, take a look at the following nonprofit brochure template software. They can provide the basic design, letting you focus on generating content such as stellar copy and photographs.
Canva makes designing nonprofit brochures easy. Use or adapt one of their many templates, or make your own brochure design from scratch. With Canva, anyone can design the perfect brochure.
Adobe provides numerous brochure templates. Many templates are free to use, and consider creating an Adobe account to gain access to even more templates and design elements, as well as increased customizability options.
Microsoft Office
If you use Microsoft Word, Microsoft Office’s brochure templates can make template design simple. With a range of designs and themes, you’re sure to find one that fits your nonprofit. Simply download the template from Microsoft’s website, and you’re ready to get started!
The Print Authority Can Print Your Nonprofit Brochure
If you’re looking to partner with a professional printer for your nonprofit brochure, The Print Authority is here to help! With over three decades of experience printing brochures and other promotional items for nonprofits, we have extensive expertise with nonprofits of all sizes.
Once you have your design, we can take care of printing and distribution, giving you time to focus on what matters most: making a difference in the world. Contact us today!