March 30, 2017 The Print Authority

17 Inspiring Business Card Examples For Finance Professionals

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Your business card needs to say a lot about you in a small space, so the right design is critical. There shouldn’t be so much on the card that people feel overwhelmed when they look at it, but it also shouldn’t be a total snooze. Here are some inspiring business card examples for finance professionals to help get your creative gears turning.

However, the following examples won’t be exclusively financial services. While most of them are from the world of finance, we wanted to show you some business cards we thought were truly amazing. Inspiration for your field doesn’t have to come from a similar business. Your creativity might be sparked by something completely different.

Clean, Simple, and Professional

Your business card doesn’t have to be fancy. Sometimes simplicity says everything you want to say. Add a little something extra to just the edges, or a small image that encapsulates your brand. Then as long as you have contact information on your card, your simple yet professional look will start spreading the word about your business.

Clean and Professional - business card examples for finance professionals

Clean and Professional Business Card - business card examples for finance professionals

Change the Orientation

Business cards are almost always horizontal. Switch it up a bit and rotate yours to make it vertical. Just this simple little trick can set your card apart from other business cards.

Vertical Business Card - business card examples for finance professionals

Use Different Shapes

There’s no law that says business cards have to be rectangular. Make yours a square or a circle, add some curves, or make it a shape that represents your business. People will find it interesting that your business card isn’t sticking to the norm. That will make them remember you.

Square Business Card - business card examples for finance professionals

Curved Business Card - business card examples for finance professionals

Shaped Business Card - business card examples for finance professionals

Make Each Card Different

Pick a few different graphics that represent your business and put a different one on each card. This will give people their own unique and individual card of yours to remember you by. It will also spark conversation when everyone notices they have a different image on the card you handed them.

Different graphics on each card - business card examples for finance professionals

Fun and Informal

Don’t take yourself too seriously. Show your fun side by having a fun, easy-going business card. Put a funny saying on it, or just make it casual.

Fun and Informal Business Card - business card examples for finance professionals

Or better yet, really stand out by including your Myers Briggs personality type on the back of your card to connect on a different level.

myers briggs type business card

Use a Little Humor

Humor is a good tool to use, so don’t be afraid to be a little funny. People will like that, and if they laugh along with you, there’s a really good chance they’ll remember you and give you a call later on.

Humorous Business Card - business card examples for finance professionals

Humorous Business Card - business card examples for finance professionals

Play With Fonts

While it’s true that fonts can be dangerous if you use the wrong one, they can also be fun and a great design element if you use them correctly. So mess around with them to figure out a cool way to use them to market yourself.

Play with Fonts - business card examples for finance professionals

Make It Elegant

Are you feeling fancy? It’s actually quite easy to make your business cards elegant. By using the right colors together and keeping it clean and professional, you can create an elegant look that perfectly embodies your business.

Elegant Business Card - business card examples for finance professionals

Add Some Texture

Texture on a business card really steps up your game. Add that to great designs with colors and you have a way to make yourself memorable in that big pile of phone numbers and emails.

Textured Business Card - business card examples for finance professionals

Textured Business Card - business card examples for finance professionals

Play With Visuals

“A picture is worth a thousand words” couldn’t be a truer statement. Use visuals that represent your business in a fun and interesting way. People will be more likely to remember images than text.

credit card business card - business card examples for finance professionals

Visual Business Card - business card examples for finance professionals

Did these inspiring business card examples for finance professionals spark your creativity? If you need any help designing your card, or have any questions, call us today at (615) 468-2679.

Whether you need digital printing or offset printing, the experts at The Print Authority will find the right way to get your job done so it is affordable and looks fantastic! We have over two decades of experience as a business printing company printing flyers, posters, brochures, business cards, training and marketing materials and much more. Our experts will make your company or organization look great in print. Contact us today for more information!
