As you market your financial advising business, you’re likely wondering how best to use print marketing to connect with your clients. No need to fear–here are three simple ways you can use printing to lead to your success!
Printing helps prospects get to know you and feel comfortable
To grow your client base, you need to be visible in your community and establish your firm’s credibility. Luckily, there are many ways to do this! Here are some tried-and-true methods to use printing to support your financial advisor marketing efforts.
Promote yourself with financial advisor seminars and workshops
Leading financial advisor seminars and workshops in your community gives people a chance to learn about finance and your firm’s high-quality advising, and they frequently lead to new clients. Send out printed postcards or invitations to prospects before the event. In addition, boost your financial advisor seminar marketing by posting printed flyers or posters to promote attendance.
Even more, provide printed handouts or booklets as a reminder of the helpful information you shared during the seminar, and send mailers to prospects who couldn’t attend. Printed mailers are a great, safe way to extend the reach of what you say either in person or online. Mail is also a great way to subtly follow up after an event, so be sure to collect physical mailing addresses when people sign up or attend.
Market your website with financial advisor postcard marketing
Viewing your website is one of the easiest ways for prospects to get to know you and your financial philosophy, so make sure people know your web resources. In addition to posting regular updates online, send postcards or mailers to prospects or new clients or to a targeted mailing list to make sure everyone checks your website regularly. Experienced printing companies can help you obtain a list of the right prospects filtered by geographic location, profession, age or income.
Extend your networking efforts with financial advisor business cards
As you network online or in-person, financial advisor business cards are essential tools! Employ an expert designer to help you create a clean, professional logo and financial advisor business card which emphasizes your responsibility and level-headedness. Make sure to include your professional designations and licenses on your financial advisor business card. Use a heavy stock and consider linen, laid or felt paper to set your cards apart. Another idea is to offset print your financial advisor business cards—offset printing gives you precise control of color and makes it easier to print on highly textured stocks.
Build trust with a financial advisor firm brochure
Start building trust with your clients from the beginning. One way to build rapport is by printing custom financial advisor brochures explaining how your firm works and how it is different so that clients know who you are and how you do business. Be sure your financial advisor brochures are expertly designed, easy to read, and include professional photos of your team, so clients will know who they are interacting with.
Surprise new clients with a welcome note or welcome kit
Another great way to build confidence is by sending new clients a welcoming handwritten note on custom printed note cards or personal stationery when you enter into a business relationship. Be sure to use a bold professional font and an uncluttered design when creating personal notecards or stationery. Paper choice can also make a big difference in personal stationery items. You may want to choose a watermarked stock to increase professionalism or a recycled stock to promote environmental awareness. Another idea is to take your welcome to the next level by sending new clients a welcome kit shortly after they start using you. Your client will appreciate the personal touch!
Highlight your niche with targeted print materials
If you have a niche, such as working on specific types of investment vehicles, emphasize this in your financial advisor marketing materials. By promoting your specialty in your printed materials, you can foster relationships with individuals related to your focus. This will build your reputation within this market, helping the right types of clients to turn to you when they need a financial advisor.
Use promotional giveaways to build top of mind awareness
Ask a professional printer about currently trending promotional products, such as glasses, mugs, high-end pens, and calendars. These items last a long time in people’s homes and frequently lead to referrals. Don’t be afraid to try something different…just choose a product you think your clients will like and use!
Stick with it!
Remember that financial advisor marketing is a continual process that doesn’t stop once you have a stable client base, so keep promoting yourself throughout your career. Successful, steady marketing builds a successful business!
Help your clients with clear, helpful printed information
Once you’ve successfully landed new clients, it’s time to provide them with your stellar advising! The following tips will help you create the products and information you need to work with your clients.
Have an annual kickoff event
Some high-level financial advisors take seminars to the next level by having a large annual kickoff event, complete with high-end invitations, financial advisor brochures and other handouts, so everyone in the community will know where they think the economy and the markets are heading. People crave direction for their investment efforts, so you can show them the way. These sorts of events lend themselves to higher-end printing processes, including professionally designed materials that will stand out!
Publish a book highlighting your approach
If you have a specific investment philosophy or point of view, publish a short run book to explain it. Books include more detail than blog articles or emails, and they increase your visibility and credibility. You can give clients this resource at your first meeting and refer to it again and again. You no longer need to go to a publisher to print short-run books—printers can usually do the job more efficiently and at a lower cost.
Write your own educational articles and financial advisor brochures
Printing your own articles and financial advisor brochures is the perfect way to demonstrate your knowledge and professionalism. Explain types of funds, investment options, and financial concepts (such as “What You Need to Know as You’re Planning Your Retirement”) to use as resources when meeting with clients and which your clients can then keep. Providing these items in a printed format increases their perceived value and longevity.
Mail monthly or quarterly financial advisor newsletters
Financial advisor newsletters are informative products that can include general investing tips, updates on preparing for tax season, personal finance advice, and more. Larger companies can create multiple financial advisor newsletters based on various investing goals: one targeting people who are nearing retirement or are already retired, one targeting high net worth clients, one targeting general investors, and more. A professional printing company can easily print and distribute your financial advisor newsletters, making this process easy!
Make your products accessible
As you meet with clients, you may present numerical data and graphs to people who may not be accustomed to reading them or are not familiar with financial information. Make your printed products as easy-to-understand as possible to increase your clients’ confidence in the information and to help them comprehend their finances.
Help your clients stay organized
If you market complex financial products or insurance, provide clients with a professional presentation folder to hold important information. You are presenting complicated information, and many prospects will want to read through papers again after your meeting or presentation to fully understand them. This “second look” at complex information may be the difference between understanding and confusion and sometimes help you make a sale.
Show clients that you care with print
Your clients trust you to give them financial advice, so reassure them that you care and think about them. Experts recommend frequent communication with clients, up to 18 times per year. In addition to emails and newsletters, send your clients personalized holiday, birthday, and personal cards as a courtesy.
As well, contact your clients when there are any significant actual or potential changes to their finances. Call them if you see any important notifications relating to their investments, insurance or financial products. You might also call or mail them proactively if there are big moves in the market or other significant events that could shake the economy and reassure them that you prioritize them and are acting in their best interests.
Partner with a professional printer!
Print the materials for your financial advising business with The Print Authority! Our decades of experience in design and custom printing give us the expertise to help you create the most effective products. In addition, if you have a large financial advising franchise or network, we can build a printing fulfillment system to suit your needs, including a great web to print portal paired with outstanding customer service. We can organize a fulfillment program to include materials printed on paper, customized promotional products and even apparel. Contact us today!